quality policy

NÓOS s.r.l., as manufacturer and distributor of medical devices in accordance with Regulation EU 2017/745, is particularly sensitive to the market needs and deems of fundamental importance customer’s feedback through the implementation of a correct policy of Quality assurance and control. In particular, the company Policy is the following:

  • complying with the current and cogent laws, common specifications and MDCG (Medical Device Coordination Group);
  • satisfying the general safety and performance requirements and the provisions indicated in Regulation EU 2017/745;
  • quality and safety of the product realized and commercialized;
  • periodic evaluation with the aim of detect customers satisfaction grade, with regards of the services/products realized and commercialized;
  • defects prevention, more than their deletion afterwards;
  • responsibility for our own work;
  • evaluation of customer’s feedback for the product/service provided;
  • periodic evaluation of customers new needs;
  • risk analysis and company opportunities;
  • personnel training with regards of the Quality System procedures, in compliance with the current regulations;
  • keeping available to the customers, upon request, evidence of the activities carried out;
  • necessary improvements to keep the efficacy of the Management System for quality and its processes.

The Management of the company NÓOS s.r.l. agrees to make available human, economic and technologic resources with the aim of pursuing the purposes declared in this company policy and of guaranteeing the best company performances. Such policy will contribute in a significant way to guarantee the reliability, the professionality and the efficiency which have always characterized the Company activity: for such purpose it will be its commitment to assist all the staff in correctly implementing the Quality System procedures, training it accordingly and encouraging it towards the required qualitative improvement.
This target is reachable only with the full commitment of each one of us.

Rome,20th September 2023
The General Management

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